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Monday, October 17, 2011

Transforming Destructive Feelings!

Transforming Destructive Feelings
We all have feelings and they are real feelings. However any negative feelings that we have, or feelings that are contrary to the Word of God are false feelings. And we know from research that negative feelings can destroy our health.
Most of our negative feelings come from feelings that need to be restored. Once we find out the feelings that need to be restored, then healing can come. The Bible says that a merry heart is health to our body.
2Co 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

This scripture tells us how to deal with thoughts and feelings that come out of what we have been thought.
But everything that we believe must come from what took place because of the resurrection of Jesus.
This scripture has nothing to do with warfare against Satan. Satan is not even mentioned, but the church has taken this as warfare against Satan.
The word war here is not talking about a war where force is being used. It’s talking about the war of the flesh that each one of us has.
Let’s look at the word weapons here. The word for weapons is the word tools.
So Paul is saying that the Holy Spirit gives us the tools needed to take hold of the power that God has given us to control the negative thoughts and beliefs that we have been holding on to. But most Christians don’t know how to access this power because they feel they are unworthy.
The word strongholds means – philosophical structures.

Most people try to find scriptures that endorse their philosophies. This leads to a life of convenience rather than a life of conviction. Conviction says that I have to get into the Bible and seek God and see how to apply God’s beliefs into my life. To see what Gods says about me and who I am.
2Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Imaginations here, is referring to reasoning’s that are apart from God.
Whenever you get a negative thought or feeling, you need to cast down everyone that is apart from God.
I will use myself as an example here. I suffered for 11 years from a broken back. Every time that I would experience pain, I would have to force myself to stop thinking about the pain, speak a scripture of healing, then praise God in a way of thanksgiving, and then see myself healthy. Then I would have to attach an emotion to those thoughts. I also would do this with every negative thought and emotion. I would do this countless times a day. Day after day, after week, after year. But it was worth it.
There is a deep revelation from reading the Bible, but just getting a revelation from the Bible will stop us from experiencing the revelation if we don’t apply God’s word into our lives. We must be willing to have an ongoing experience with God for things to function properly in our lives.
High thing in this scripture refers to anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ. Bringing everything into captivity is the obedience of Christ. I’m going to take any thought, argument or belief and compare it to what Christ accomplished through His obedience. If they do not fall in line with the obedience of Christ then I have change my thoughts, beliefs and arguments.
2Co 10:6 and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Revenge here means to try as a case or to punish. This means that when we have negative thoughts and feelings we must decide whether or not they line up with the finished work of the cross.
Disobedience here means to hear incorrectly or to hear and disregard. Or a place of decision where we go to a particular point or thought.
Negative feelings and thoughts will only produce more negative thoughts and feelings. This is the law of sowing and reaping. Scripture also says that the more you think on something, the more of it you get back. This works for good or bad thoughts and feelings.
When we say things like I’m not happy, I’m poor or sick; we are not working in faith. Whatever we belief connects with our bodies. Our bodies then response to our beliefs. We must keep our feeling and thoughts in harmony with God to experience what God has for us.
One of my teachers spoke on this same message recently. I used a lot of what he spoke about here. But he can explain it so much better to you than I can. He has been teaching this a lot longer. So if you would like to hear a more detailed message about this subject than what I said here, you can visit his website. He also has lot more messages you can hear. So visit Dr. James Richards at .

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