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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 13

Grace The Power To Change
Part 13
The Time of Need
What is a benefit of grace working in us?
It always brings peace and joy. Peace is knowing that grace “God’s ability” is working in us – in HIS ability we can do all things.
What do we need to know when we are approaching the throne of grace?
We need to know that we have the total acceptance of God. We may not have confidence in any of our abilities, but we can have boldness and confidence in God. If we don’t believe God’s acceptance, we will never receive His grace. Approach God based on what Jesus has done. If Jesus has a right to come before God in confidence, then we have a right to come before God in confidence.
Name something God will never do.
God will never violate your will. He will convict you, draw you, and compel you, bet He will not change your mind for you. Once we have repented, changed our minds, and made a decision, God can move in our lives.
What is wrong with our attitude about sin?
We do not sin as the source of our pain. We wrongly believe that our pain is God’s conviction. We view sin as a list of fun things God does not allow us to do, instead of accepting the truth and viewing sin as a list of things that will bring absolute destruction in our lives.
Here are some questions to ask yourself.
When you approach God, do you do it on the basis of what you have done or on the basis of what Jesus did?
Are you at a place where you can allow the ability of God to work in your most difficult situation?
Have you repented and changed your mind?
How do you view sin? Do you see it as something God is keeping from you? Or, do you correctly view it as the things that affect your heart in a way that separates you from the life of God?
Have you confused the consequences of your sin as the punishment of God?

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