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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 14

Grace The Power To Change
Part 14
Freedom from Sin
What is the “Spirit of grace”?
The Spirit of grace is one of the names of the Holy Spirit identified in Hebrews 10:29. This name identifies Him as the One who works in us to make us able. When we received Jesus we also received the Spirit of Grace – God’s ability within us.
Does taking personal responsibility for your choices, actions and beliefs frighten you?
Sin is willful – sin is always a choice. Personal responsibility is the only pathway to freedom.
Why does a failure to understand grace keep people bound to sin?
We tend to believe that grace is just God’s unmerited favor, leading us to think that God can still favor us when we sin. The truth about grace actually says, “I don’t have to sin. Sin has no power over me; I am not limited to my ability to deal with sin”. God will continue to love us and accept us if we sin, but that is an issue of mercy, not grace.
What will limit the Spirit of grace from working in your life?
Failure to make a decision limits what the Spirit of grace can do in your life. If you don’t believe you can yield yourself to God, you will not make a decision to yield. We make decisions whether to yield to sin or yield to righteousness. If we choose to yield to righteousness, the Holy Spirit will give us grace to walk in that righteousness – the choice is ours.

Why sin does not separate us from God.
Rom 8:39 nor anything above, nor anything below, nor anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is ours in union with the Messiah Jesus, our Lord.

God never draws back from us; we are the ones who draw back. When we sin our hearts condemn us, but God is greater than our hearts. In other words, God does not change and withdraw from us; in our hearts we change and withdraw from Him.
Why should we confess our sins to God?
Confessing is saying the same thing God says about you and your sin, and this is the way you return to the light. It is in believing truth that your heart becomes established in righteousness. It is in confessing truth that we experience forgiveness. Not receive forgiveness – but experience it.
How can we annihilate the root cause of sin that we continually yield to?
Through personal fellowship with the Father we can experience love and acceptance that will destroy the root cause of sin. Then sin no longer has power over us. Our needs can be met only in a close, personal relationship with God.
Are you at a place where you can say the same thing about your sin that God says? Do you recognize when you sin that it is not God who withdraws from you, but you who separates yourself from God? Talk about what freedom it brings to know that Grace is not just unmerited favor, but that it is actually God’s ability working in you because of the finished work of Jesus. Is it empowering?
If you want to better understand this message, go to

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