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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 6

Grace The Power To Change
Part 6
Grace For Sin
When we sin, the Bible says in 1 John 2:1 that we have an advocate with the Father. What is an advocate and who is our advocate?
1Jn 2:1 My little children, I'm writing these things to you so that you might not sin. Yet if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus, the Messiah, one who is righteous.

An advocate is “someone who is for us” and our advocate is Jesus.
Why does Jesus understand our inability to cope with sin?
Jesus knows it is impossible for man to win over sin in his own strengthen. Having walked the earth as a man, He knows full well that the grace (ability) of God is the only power that can make man able to win over sin.
Can you remember a time when you ran from and not to God? Why did you run away? Fear of rejection, shame, sorrow? Did you return? What did you feel? Did you experience the love of God and His forgiveness and acceptance? Did you realize that He was right there waiting for you to return. He sought to make peace.
What is the key to being able to boldly go before the Lord in our time of need?
The key is to realize that we are approaching a throne of grace and not a throne of judgment. Becoming aware of God’s mercy will cause us to run to Him instead of from Him.
Why can we have confidence that we will be accepted before the throne of God?
We are accepted because of Jesus. It’s about what He did, not what we have done or not done. Our works do not give us acceptance; we are accepted because of Jesus.
Why does it help the believer to “confess the Word”?
We don’t confess the Word to try and get God to do something. We confess the Word to convince our hearts of what He has already done. Confessing the Word gets our heart “back on track”.
It is not enough to have a doctrine of faith righteousness; we must believe it in our hearts. When we confess the Word we persuade our hearts of the truth that we know.

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