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Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't Beg God, Just Thank Him!

We have been thought that prayer is about asking God or begging God to do something for us. So how are we supposed to pray? Remember that we are under the New Covenant and to find the answer we need to look on this side of the cross. No where under the New Covenant do we see asking God for anything. After the death, burial, resurrection and Christ arrival back to Heaven, God provided everything for us. He provided salvation, prosperity, health and etc. So if  He has already given us everything through Christ, then why would we have to ask Him for anything. God says that if we really knew Him, we won't ask of Him. He has provided for us.

Philippians 4:6-8 In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

So what does all this mean? Don't be anxious about any situation. Take time to hear from God and let Him give the answer. Don't attempt to resolve and issue in your own strengthen. I don't know about you, but when I do things in my own strengthen, they have a way of getting messed up. So the first thing we do is humbly come before God in prayer. Prayer that is full of thanksgiving. Not begging and pleading. When you pray, pray as if the problem as already been answered. Let's say you are praying about your finances. So here would be an example:
Thank you Father for your provision, you are  more than able and you are more than enough. Thank you Father that my bank accounts are over flowing. Thank you  for giving to me so that I can give to others, Thank you Father that all my bills are paid on time and that I have no debt. I thank you that I can give to others because you have given to me.
This is a prayer of thanksgiving and a prayer that says God has already provided for my finances. You don't see any begging or pleading or even asking for His provision. When we pray this way it gives us a heart of gratitude. It opens our hearts to receive what God has already given us. It gives us a heart to give others. Remember that what is in your heart is what you say and do, good or bad.
When you pray, Gods peace will abound in you. You did receive God and all that He is when you accepted Jesus as your savior. Praying this way brings forth a peace that you don't understand. When bad or negative things happen in my life, I just have this since of peace that it's alright. I can't explain it or understand it, that's Gods part. This peace will guard your heart and your thoughts. The best way for me to explain this is to say that but guarding my heart, the peace of God is keeping my heart at peace. My thoughts are guarded also. When bad thoughts come into my mind (not from the devil, by me) they quickly go away. Now there are times when those thoughts linger, but I catch myself and ask what are you doing? Bad thoughts are not necessarily thoughts of lust, stealing, murder and etc. They can be thoughts of lack, poor self worth and etc. To me this thoughts are worse than thoughts of sin, because they are thoughts of how you see yourself, which lead to all kinds of mischief.
The last verse of this scripture has a lot to do with meditation. Whatever you meditate on is what you will receive. Meditation is simply thinking about something long enough until you attach an emotion to it. This is when you write on your heart. Here in verse 8 it is showing us to meditate on those things which are good. If you break down what it says to meditate on, your will find outstanding principles to base your life on. If every person, judge, politician and the works did this, what a world we would have.
So in closing I want you to know that in no way is this a formula to get God to do anything for you. This is a way to pray so that your heart and life can change. But only if you allow God to change you. The results of praying like this a wonderful result of God working in you.

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