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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 2

Grace The Power To Change
Part 2
Chapter 2: Grace – God’s Ability
What is a simple definition of grace?
God’s ability working in man, making him able to do what he cannot do in his own ability.
John 1:16 We have all received one gracious gift after another from his abundance,

When Jesus came he not only brought truth, but the ability to live that truth.
What does the “flesh” refer to and how can you recognize when you are “in the flesh”?
The “flesh” refers to man’s ability. When we try to change, perform, or become what we should be through our own strengthen we are operating “in the flesh”. The law was little more than an awareness of sin. The law did not give us ability. The law that they are referring to here is the Old Testament law that God gave to Moses.
What sets the Old and New Covenant apart?
The 1st Covenant was dependant on man; the 2nd is dependent on God. The New Covenant brings glory to God because of His accomplishments in man. In the New Covenant God does the word – we believe and receive.
What is the only way the Word will work in us?
By the grace of God – His ability working in us as we are drawn into close, loving, appreciative dependency on Him. Works through a relationship- by love –

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