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Friday, October 28, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 11

Grace The Power To Change
Part 11
The Doorway to the Heart
What does it mean to be carnally minded?
The carnally minded person believes that we become righteous by doing righteous deeds. That is a mind that understands things according to the flesh.
What does it mean to “renew your mind”?
Rom 8:6 To focus our minds on the human nature leads to death, but to focus our minds on the Spirit leads to life and peace.

We must see things the way God sees them, not how we decide they are. As we ponder and meditate on the Word of God, those thoughts affect our emotions and find their way to our heart.
Mar 4:24 He went on to say to them, "Pay attention to what you're hearing! You will be evaluated by the same standard with which you do your evaluating, and still more will be given to you,

Renewing our mind is when we persuade our hearts of what God says about us and look to what He says about us, not what others have said.
How do we establish information in our hearts?
Once we have received any input, whether true or false, we begin to think on it. Once we begin to think on anything – particularly those things that produce emotions – it begins to affect our hearts. Hearing a truth may not affect your life; but when you begin to think or meditate on it, it will.
What is the doorkeeper to your heart?
Your thoughts are the doorkeeper of your heart.

What makes up our soul?
The soul consists of the mind (thoughts), the emotions (feelings), and the will (the ability to make decisions).
What will alienate us from God’s grace?
Any thoughts or imaginations that are not consistent with the Word will cause us to go backwards, guide our live into destruction, and alienate us from God’s grace.
What is the number one way to guard your heart against those things that rise up against the Word of God?
You must conquer your thought life. When any thought or word tries to take your thoughts captive, speak God’s truth out of your mouth until your thoughts and emotions come back in line.
Every time you start to get a thought that is negative or against God’s Word, you must immediately stop, send it away, speak a scripture that is opposite of the thought, meditate on it, see and feel it. Every time you say something negative do the same thing. If you do this, I’m telling you from experience of how amazed you will see things change. I will also add that some things will change very fast, but others will not, it will take time to get those things in your heart that have been programmed against the Word of God. If it takes millions of times doing this, I’m telling you it is worth it.
To learn more about writing on your heart, go to Go to the message section and pick video or audio. Find the message about writing on your heart. Pastor Allen Speegle is the Pastor speaking.

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