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Friday, October 21, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 5

Grace The Power To Change
Part 5
In My Weakness
How do we neutralize grace?
We neutralize grace by trusting in our own ability. There is no in between when we are trusting in ourselves or we are trusting in God. The one thing that keeps us from walking in grace is our own strengthen.
What does it mean to fall from grace? Does it mean you are no longer saved?
No, falling from grace is when you leave the realm of God’s ability. It is when you attempt to obtain righteousness by your performance.
What did Paul learn from the “thorn in his flesh”?
Paul learned that he did not need a miracle from God to remove the obstacle, but the grace of God to face and conquer the obstacle.
How does the Bible define “frustrate”?
Neutralize, trusting in your own ability that NEUTRALIZES God’s ability, attempting to gain righteousness by your performance.
The word “frustrate” and it’s meaning in light of the times when we are frustrated. Maybe our frustration is a result of not depending on or neutralizing God’s grace in that situation.
How do we obtain grace on a daily basis?
Each day we must be committed to live in the realm of God’s ability and not our own. On a daily basis, as we pray, we obtain grace for that moment.

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