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Monday, May 7, 2012

What? God has tatoos?

Isaiah 49:15-16
Even if a mother forgets her child, my Father will not forget me. See, He has tattooed my name on the palm of His hand.

This is one of the coolest scriptures. It also contradicts those who would not allow people with tatoos in their church. God puts your name on the palm of His hand so that He can look at your name. He also speaks blessing over us continually. So I can see Him looking at the names on His hands and speaking blessing over us at the same time.
So the next time a Christian wants to tell you how bad it is to have tatoos, just repeat this scripture and walk away. Most of these Christians forget that Jesus went into the sinners home, that He was not to good for them. He never talked down to them or insulted them. There are a lot of Christians who could learn from Jesus' example, but are to caught up in their own misbeliefs and religion to see how we are really suppost to treat people.
Jesus only showed love and acceptance and that is the example we are to follow.

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