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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 9

Grace The Power To Change
Part 9
Grace Through Righteousness
What is the difference between “works righteousness” and “faith righteousness”?
Works righteousness is trying to be right before God in our own strengthen. Faith righteousness is a free gift based on Jesus being obedient to the Father in life, death, and resurrection.
What does relying on Jesus’ righteousness do for us?
We are empowered when we rely on the righteousness of Jesus. As we acknowledge that we are righteous our hearts are persuaded and grace will flow out of our hearts. This causes us to abandon any trust in our own performance.
What can transform us into the likeness of Christ?
When we abandon works righteousness and enter into faith righteousness we share in the resurrection power of Jesus. That resurrection power transforms us into the likeness of Christ.
What is righteousness of heart?
Just as there is a difference in being righteous and living righteously, there is also a difference between having a righteous spirit and a righteous heart. Our spirits were made righteous the moment we accepted Jesus. Our hearts, however, are righteous only when we believe the truth.
What is the “glory of God”?
Glory means the opinion, judgment, view and opinion of God which is reality. Righteousness believes the view and opinion of God about you and accepts it as reality regardless of your own opinion.
How can I help keep my heart in righteousness?
The words that we speak help keep our hearts in righteousness. When we realize our emotions are becoming negative, we use the words of our mouth to turn the tide and convince our hearts of our righteousness.

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