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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 12

Grace The Power To Change
Part 12
Coming Out of the Grave
Why are we able to have victory in our lives?
We are able to live victorious lives because of the power of God that works in us. It is the same resurrection power that went into the grave to raise Jesus from the dead. It is the power that caused Him to be victorious over all other power.
How is God’s glory related to reality?
The word for glory means the view, judgment, and opinion of God, which is reality. The way God sees it is the way it is. Regardless of how we see it or understand it, God’s view is reality.
How was Jonah a type of Christ?
Jonah in the belly of the whale was a type of Jesus in hell. Just like Jonah made confessions of faith, worship, and trust while he was in the whale, Jesus began to say in hell what God said. He began to worshipfully speak God’s view and opinion, which is reality. Those words brought the Holy Spirit in and delivered Him from the chains of sin and death to make Him the firstborn of the dead.
What does the Bible mean by lying vanities?
Lying vanities are our views and opinions. To be swayed by emotions or to make decisions from our perspective is to observe a lying vanity. It shows we have no real regard or trust for the view and opinion of God.
What lying vanities are you allowing to control your life? Are you willing to surrender your opinion to God’s opinion in this area? No matter what tribulation, trial or circumstance is affecting your life right now, you can stabilize your heart by using God’s word. Just like Jonah you can begin to worshipfully speak God’s view and opinion of your situation and allow your own heart to lead you to victory.
To hear more of Dr. Jim Richards teaching on grace, go to

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