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Monday, August 29, 2011

Don't Mix the Old with the New!

What Does This Mean?

It simply means that we can't mix the Old Testament with the New Testament. Testament means covenant. In the New Testament we get our righteousness from what Jesus did at the cross. In the Old Testament righteousness was gained through the law. But there was a catch. To be righteous you had to obey every single law of Moses. The point was that if you broke one law you were guilty of them all. There were so many laws that there was no way you could to obey them. Just the ten commandments along are hard enough to obey. No one was perfect and without guilt.
But in the New Testament Jesus is the one who obeyed the law and was without sin. But He took our sin, God then judged, condemned and took His anger out on Jesus. This was the judgement, condemnation, anger and punishment that we should have received.
So when I say that you can't mix the two testaments, I mean that if you try to use the Old Testament in anyway towards your righteousness, you have mixed the two. The Old Testament was all about works righteousness. This means that you had to be good enough to get to heaven. Try to please God or earn your way to heaven you are in works righteousness.
Jesus was our replacement on the cross. His works are what makes us righteous today. We can't earn God's love, earn our way to heaven, be good enough or etc.
Now this is where most people don't understand. If you have a loving relationship with our Father and believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross and that He is the Son of God, you can't lose your salvation. God forgave us of all sin, He then took that sin and send it as far away as the east is from the west, then forgot all of our sins. When God says He forgot our sins He meant it. So if for example you pray to God and ask Him to forgive you of a sin, He doesn't know what you are talking about. We can't comprehend this as men, because we just can't unforget. But God can. So if you as a believer go out and steal, lie, cheat, commit adultery, murder and ot etc. You will not go to hell.
I know some are just totally upset with this statement. But if God has forgiven all sin but one, the unbelief that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died for us, then all those sins listed above have been forgiven. Some will say that we must have the fruit of being believers to show our faithfulness. Any time your try to earn your way, be good enough, you are in works righteousness and trying to earn your righteousness.
Some will say that this gives us free reign to go out and sin all we want. No it does not. When you have a loving relationship with our Father all you want is more of Him. You will not go out on a sin rampage. You will only want to do what He ask you to do. And that is not sin, but love others as your self. You will become more like Christ everyday. We are to use Christ as our example. Christ is in us and we are in Him.
I surely hope that this has helped someone to better understand our Father and what Jesus did for us at the cross. Everything that we read, hear or do must be based on the cross of Jesus. If something in the Old Testament doesn't line up with what Jesus did on the cross, then we are not to use it. The Old Testament is not to be ignored. There are many parts we can apply to our lives, but not getting our righteousness from it. There are many laws that are good for us to apply. There are criminal and civil laws. There are health codes. There are even laws that teach us how to communicate and treat each other. There are examples of what others should or shouldn't have done in there.
So what did Jesus do at the cross. When God put Jesus on the cross He some how in His heart placed us there with Him. So God placed all sin, sickness, disease, pain, suffering, poverty and every bad thing that could happen to us onto Jesus. God then judged all those things as bad. God then took His anger out on Him and condemned Jesus to death, sent Him to hell where Jesus defeated Satan once and for all, rose Jesus out of hell and has now placed Jesus on His right side.
This means once again that God is not angry with you, not judging or condemning you. He's not out ot get you or He does not cause bad thing to happen to you. He doesn't brake you leg to try to teach you a lesson or to get you to do something. He does not send hurricanes or anything bad to get you or kill you. God is good and good all the time. Only good things come from God. So if you want to know if something is from God, it is real simple! If something is good it is from God, if it is not, then it is not from God our Father. If you would like to hear more messages like this one, you can go to
You can accept Jesus into your life right where you are. Just simply pray this prayer: God my Father I love you, I believe that you sent Jesus to earth as a man to die on the cross for me, that He died on the cross, took my sin, died and went to hell, and rose on the third day and now sits on our Fathers side. If you would like more information you can visit the web page listed above. From there you can email the staff. You could also email me at, or visit my facebook page at Pastor Robert Eaton.

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