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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Broken Relations!

We all have exprienced relationships where people have rejected, been out right mean, betrayed us and etc. Sometimes it's no fault of our own and somtimes it is or both parties contributed. But I will almost bet that most broken relationships were due to the lack of self worth. Our sense of self worth can never come from your spouses, family members, friends, money, objects and so on. If you do then you're setting yourself up for failure and a lot of pain. Some people feel that when some one causes them pain from emtion or physical, that they have to cause the other person(s) the same or even more pain. Then others turn it into hate. This hate will eat you in the end. Usually the other person isn't even thinking about you and what they did. So when you worry about it all the time, they are controlling you. Not that they are partaking of controlling you, it's just the way you mind works. The worry and hate cause you to do things you wouldn't do. So what is the answer? The very first thing is to get your identity firmly established in who your Father(God) says you are. If you do this, then it doesn't matter one bit what people think or say about you. I've had people say things to me and I just laugh and tell them that they don't know who my Daddy is. This next step is just as important. God says that we must enter into His rest. First of all that means we must have a relationship with Him that is above everyone elses. So to enter into that rest you must find out what He says about you. Praise and worship Him. Then sit with Him and meditate on Him and what He says about you. In the last several months I had some very close friends just out of the blue reject us. They didn't even what to hear what we had to say or even attempt to fix the problem they said was the cause. So I was upset. So I sat down with my Daddy(God) and entered into His rest. I quickly got past it. Now once a relationship is broken we still must forgive. But we do not have to trust them. And really you don't have to assiciate yourselves with them. That isn't to say that you can never trust them again, they would have to earn that trust. So find your peace with God in all situations. Spend time with Him daily and let Him love on you. And of course love Him back. Search Him out and you will find the best friend you ever had. A friend who will never leave you, forsake you, judge you, condemn you, reject you or even get mad at you.

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