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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dealing With Physical Pain

When you experience pain daily the pain totally interferes with every aspect of your life. Now I'm refering to severe pain that incapacitates you physically and mentally. I have suffered from this type of pain. The pain can be so intense that at times I couldn't focus on anything. It was so tormenting that I could do nothing but lay in bed. There are only two ways to deal with this type of pain. One you can live with it. I've done that and that option is not acceptable. Second we can believe that God did what He said He did. So what did He say He did? When He put Jesus on the cross He nailed each and everyone of us on the cross with Him. Then He put every sickness, disease, pain and suffering on Him so that man would never experience it. He gave pain to Jesus so that we would never have to bear any pain. Isaiah 53 says that by His stripes we were healed. Notice the past tense usage. When this took place God freed us from the curse of sickness, disease and death. So what must you do to receive your healing. You simply must believe in your heart that you are healed because of Jesus and that God does what He has said He has done. Now if you have already done this and you have seen no change, the problem isn't God, it's you. You have not yet believed in your heart. So here is an excercise that you can do. You must first understand that this is not something you do to earn your healing. God has already provided your healing. So what you can do is find scriptures on healing. Write them down on index cards and then read them several times a day, out loud. Also do it with emotion. Also while you are speaking those scriptures picture yourself healed. Now this could happen quickly or this could take a long time. It just depends how fast it is written on your heart. When we act in faith it is not our faith, it is Jesus' faith. This means do you believe that Jesus believes you are healed? The answer is of course. I hope that this helps you receive the healing that is already yours.

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