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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Bible vs. Science Part 2

Darwin's Tree of Life

We are all familiar with this theory. We have seen it in our textbooks for years. The tree of life is a dismal failure. Darwin's theory is not supported by the physical evidence scientist have found in fossils. Darwin knew the fossil records failed to support his tree. He acknowledged that major groups of animals-he called them divisions-now they're called phyla-appear suddenly in fossil records. In other words life suddenly appeared on earth.
His theory predicts a long history of gradual divergance from a common ancestor. The fossil evidence, even in his day, showed the opposite. The rapid appearance of phylum-level differences is called Cambrian explosion.
Fossil discoveries over the last 150 years have turned his tree upside down by showing the Cambrian explosion was even more abrupt and extensive then scientist once thought.
The animals that appeared during the Cambrian explosion appeared fully developed, all of a sudden in what paleontologists have called the single most spectacular phenomenon of fossil records. Darwin's tree is turned on it's head because the major group of animals-instead of coming last, at the top of the tree come first, when animals make their first appearance. Evidence has failed to substantiate the predictions that Darwin made. His drawings are still included in our textbooks and it's called a fact. It isn't the showing of the drawings, they are a good illustration of an interesting theory. The problem is when textbooks call it a fact that all animals share a common ancestor. It's not fact! If you consider all of the evidence, Darwin's tree is false, it's not even a good hypothesis.
Gensis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

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