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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Bible vs Science Part 3

The Archaeopteryx Missing Link

We have seen the picture of this in books. This is suppost to be the missing link from reptile to birds.
In 1859 Darwin's "The Origin of Species." Was published. Darwin conceeded that the most obvious and gravest objection which can be argued against my theory "was that the fossil records failed to back up his evolutionary hypothesis."
Darwin came up with a theory that was not backed with evidence and he admitted it. Then scientist take nonfactual guesses and state it as fact.
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
Author Michael Denton
The universal experience of paleontology is that while the rocks have continually yielded new and exciting and even bizarre forms of life; what they have never yielded is any of Darwin's myriads of transitional forms. The infincitude of connecting links has still not been discovered and the fossil record is about as discontinuous as it was when Darwin was writing the origin.
Does the archaeopteryx represent a half bird half reptile that proves it's a missing link? No, not even close. It's a bird with modern feathers, and birds are very different from reptiles in many important ways, their breeding system, bone structure, lungs, and distribution of weight and muscles. It's a bird, not part bird nor part reptile.
When scientist go back into the fossil record, they assume birds came from reptiles by descent, and they look for reptiles that are more bird like in their skeletal structure. We all know what it means when we assume something. The archaeopteryx is not an ancestor of modern birds; instead, it's a member of a totally extinct group of birds. Driven by an all consuming commitment to evolutionary theory, their zeal has resulted in some recent embarassments for science.
In 1999 National Geographic Society published the discovery of aechaeoraptor. It had the tail of a dinosaur, the forelimbs of a bird and that it actually could fly. The problem, it's fake! It was proved that someone had glued a dinosaur tail to a primitive bird. Another discovery called bambiraptor, a chicken sized dinosaur with sopposedly bird like characteristics. This was once called the missing link.
The problem is there were no feathers found with the fossil. But the scientists said they should be there, they were added. And the dinosaur looked even more like a bird because the guy who did the reconstruction used artifical eyes. Then they tested the DNA and found that the DNA was 100% turkey. They suggested that this was genetic evidence that birds are closely related to dinosaur. After this information was known it was still published in Science.
Once again we see assumptions, fakes, lies, incompetence and a willingness to publish the material as fact.
Genesis 1:20-23
God created the birds.

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