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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Fish of Provision

Matthew 17:24-27
This is the story of when the tax collectors came to Jesus and Peter to pay the two dracma per person temple tax. This is in no way any indication that Jesus was poor. Jesus didn't need a miracle to pay taxes. He could have just produced the coins instead of having Peter go catch a fish, I guess it was lunch too. (Ha Ha)
The point here is that the childen of royalty were exempt from paying taxes. Jesus' point was that He also was of a royal blood line and that He didn't need to pay the tax. Even though I'm sure the Pharesis wouldn't support that. However there is another lesson here. For two thousand years Christians have been using the symbol of a fish to represent Christ. So the fish would be Christ and the money would be His provision. So the question is: are you trusting you're fish for your provision or are you trusting in youself?

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