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Monday, November 15, 2010


Esp. 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.

We are the light of the World. God is that light we reflect so we should walk in that power and authority.

Colossians 2:9-10

Complete = perfection

We have been made perfect in Christ. We have all the fullness of God in us.
When we realize that we are perfect in Christ and walk in His fullness, we can walk it out. But we can't walk out who we are not.
You have probably heard people tell you that one day you'll be perfect in Christ. This is not the New Testament gospel. The New Testament gospel says you are seated with Christ, you are complete, righteous, Now Walk It Out!
One of our armors in Christ is the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate represents the protection of your heart. We must continually guard our hearts. There are just things I don't do or say to keep my heart protected. We live what is in our hearts.
So how do walk out our righteousness?
It's about your heart and how you see yourself. We can't see ourselves as unworthy, undeserving, useless, unclean or any other way than how God sees us. We must see ourselves as precious in the eyes of God, as righteous, worthy, deserving, valuable, clean and any other way that God sees us. We must stand in the completion of Jesus. When we have this consciousness of who we are in Christ, then we walk in a way that let's Him lead us.

Hebrews 10:1-2

Jesus was the perfect sacrifice so we have no need of feeling guilty about the things we have done in the past, present or future. If we have any sense of guilt, then we have not totally believed what Jesus has done for us. When you understand that God sees you as not guilty, then there is no need to feel that God is going to judge and penalize you.

Colossians 3:15 (AMP)

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your heats [deciding and settling with finalty all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

Once we are at peace with whatever situation, then we can trust God and believe He will lead us in the direction we should go.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back Pain and What It Does to You!!!

If you suffer from back pain I don't need to tell you what it does. But after suffering with extreme back pain for nearly 11 years I can surely sympotheis and understand what you are going through both physically and mentally.
I broke my back in two places just lifting something. I heard two snaps like a pencil breaking and felt the immediate pain. Two and a half years later I had a spinal decompression and fusion. I was worse after surgery and the night mare got worse. I know what the term weaping and knashing of teeth means. I want to help you if I can. If it is just having someone to talk to or helping you get through problems that come from the pain. My daily pain on a scale from 1 to 10, would be a 6. A 10 would be passing out from the pain. A 9 would be screaming. So I think you can figure out the rest. Now I'm talking about this type of pain while on strong pain pills. Along with the aching pain comes nerver pain. Nerve pain an be spikes, numbing, fire and sore muscle pain. On top of all that I had to deal with a stabbing pain on my left hip from where they chisled bone off to graft my spine in place. Well I'll tell you that this is just the beginning of it. There is mental problems that develop from long term extreme pain. A feeling of uselessness is one. As a man from my generation you were the provider. So I really have a hard time with that. I also have had no kind of life. I'm very limited on activities and have to decide as I go if I can go do something with my wife or kids. Pain Is always there. There is also problems with being on the drugs.
So how do I deal with all this? Well the answer is not with the doctors. They just look at me and say sorry there is nothing we can do. There is one thing that I know for sure and that is my relationship with God. There first thing I know is that He didn't cause my injury, nor is He testing me to see how I handle it. I know what some are now saying. If God loves me so much why hasn't He healed me? First I can tell that if I didn't believe in Him, I would have been dead long ago. Second His Words says He did heal me at the cross of Jesus. So how come I'm not completely healed? It's me. I simply haven't completely believed Him. Even though I haven't believed I know His love for me sustains me and gives me the confident expectation that I will be completely healed. He encourages my constantly. Hey if you don't want to handle the pain this way, then at least I am here to help you deal with the pain and all those nasty side effects that come with it. Nobody else knows what you going through and they probably don't even care. I've been told I was imaging the pain, told I was lazy and just useing it for an excuss and the list goes on. I look forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Broken Relations!

We all have exprienced relationships where people have rejected, been out right mean, betrayed us and etc. Sometimes it's no fault of our own and somtimes it is or both parties contributed. But I will almost bet that most broken relationships were due to the lack of self worth. Our sense of self worth can never come from your spouses, family members, friends, money, objects and so on. If you do then you're setting yourself up for failure and a lot of pain. Some people feel that when some one causes them pain from emtion or physical, that they have to cause the other person(s) the same or even more pain. Then others turn it into hate. This hate will eat you in the end. Usually the other person isn't even thinking about you and what they did. So when you worry about it all the time, they are controlling you. Not that they are partaking of controlling you, it's just the way you mind works. The worry and hate cause you to do things you wouldn't do. So what is the answer? The very first thing is to get your identity firmly established in who your Father(God) says you are. If you do this, then it doesn't matter one bit what people think or say about you. I've had people say things to me and I just laugh and tell them that they don't know who my Daddy is. This next step is just as important. God says that we must enter into His rest. First of all that means we must have a relationship with Him that is above everyone elses. So to enter into that rest you must find out what He says about you. Praise and worship Him. Then sit with Him and meditate on Him and what He says about you. In the last several months I had some very close friends just out of the blue reject us. They didn't even what to hear what we had to say or even attempt to fix the problem they said was the cause. So I was upset. So I sat down with my Daddy(God) and entered into His rest. I quickly got past it. Now once a relationship is broken we still must forgive. But we do not have to trust them. And really you don't have to assiciate yourselves with them. That isn't to say that you can never trust them again, they would have to earn that trust. So find your peace with God in all situations. Spend time with Him daily and let Him love on you. And of course love Him back. Search Him out and you will find the best friend you ever had. A friend who will never leave you, forsake you, judge you, condemn you, reject you or even get mad at you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Fish of Provision

Matthew 17:24-27
This is the story of when the tax collectors came to Jesus and Peter to pay the two dracma per person temple tax. This is in no way any indication that Jesus was poor. Jesus didn't need a miracle to pay taxes. He could have just produced the coins instead of having Peter go catch a fish, I guess it was lunch too. (Ha Ha)
The point here is that the childen of royalty were exempt from paying taxes. Jesus' point was that He also was of a royal blood line and that He didn't need to pay the tax. Even though I'm sure the Pharesis wouldn't support that. However there is another lesson here. For two thousand years Christians have been using the symbol of a fish to represent Christ. So the fish would be Christ and the money would be His provision. So the question is: are you trusting you're fish for your provision or are you trusting in youself?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Bible vs Science Part 3

The Archaeopteryx Missing Link

We have seen the picture of this in books. This is suppost to be the missing link from reptile to birds.
In 1859 Darwin's "The Origin of Species." Was published. Darwin conceeded that the most obvious and gravest objection which can be argued against my theory "was that the fossil records failed to back up his evolutionary hypothesis."
Darwin came up with a theory that was not backed with evidence and he admitted it. Then scientist take nonfactual guesses and state it as fact.
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
Author Michael Denton
The universal experience of paleontology is that while the rocks have continually yielded new and exciting and even bizarre forms of life; what they have never yielded is any of Darwin's myriads of transitional forms. The infincitude of connecting links has still not been discovered and the fossil record is about as discontinuous as it was when Darwin was writing the origin.
Does the archaeopteryx represent a half bird half reptile that proves it's a missing link? No, not even close. It's a bird with modern feathers, and birds are very different from reptiles in many important ways, their breeding system, bone structure, lungs, and distribution of weight and muscles. It's a bird, not part bird nor part reptile.
When scientist go back into the fossil record, they assume birds came from reptiles by descent, and they look for reptiles that are more bird like in their skeletal structure. We all know what it means when we assume something. The archaeopteryx is not an ancestor of modern birds; instead, it's a member of a totally extinct group of birds. Driven by an all consuming commitment to evolutionary theory, their zeal has resulted in some recent embarassments for science.
In 1999 National Geographic Society published the discovery of aechaeoraptor. It had the tail of a dinosaur, the forelimbs of a bird and that it actually could fly. The problem, it's fake! It was proved that someone had glued a dinosaur tail to a primitive bird. Another discovery called bambiraptor, a chicken sized dinosaur with sopposedly bird like characteristics. This was once called the missing link.
The problem is there were no feathers found with the fossil. But the scientists said they should be there, they were added. And the dinosaur looked even more like a bird because the guy who did the reconstruction used artifical eyes. Then they tested the DNA and found that the DNA was 100% turkey. They suggested that this was genetic evidence that birds are closely related to dinosaur. After this information was known it was still published in Science.
Once again we see assumptions, fakes, lies, incompetence and a willingness to publish the material as fact.
Genesis 1:20-23
God created the birds.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Bible vs. Science Part 2

Darwin's Tree of Life

We are all familiar with this theory. We have seen it in our textbooks for years. The tree of life is a dismal failure. Darwin's theory is not supported by the physical evidence scientist have found in fossils. Darwin knew the fossil records failed to support his tree. He acknowledged that major groups of animals-he called them divisions-now they're called phyla-appear suddenly in fossil records. In other words life suddenly appeared on earth.
His theory predicts a long history of gradual divergance from a common ancestor. The fossil evidence, even in his day, showed the opposite. The rapid appearance of phylum-level differences is called Cambrian explosion.
Fossil discoveries over the last 150 years have turned his tree upside down by showing the Cambrian explosion was even more abrupt and extensive then scientist once thought.
The animals that appeared during the Cambrian explosion appeared fully developed, all of a sudden in what paleontologists have called the single most spectacular phenomenon of fossil records. Darwin's tree is turned on it's head because the major group of animals-instead of coming last, at the top of the tree come first, when animals make their first appearance. Evidence has failed to substantiate the predictions that Darwin made. His drawings are still included in our textbooks and it's called a fact. It isn't the showing of the drawings, they are a good illustration of an interesting theory. The problem is when textbooks call it a fact that all animals share a common ancestor. It's not fact! If you consider all of the evidence, Darwin's tree is false, it's not even a good hypothesis.
Gensis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dealing With Severe Pain Part 2

This really should have been part 1 of this series. I take it for granted sometimes that everyone worships God first when any unwanted situation comes into our lives. Worshiping God bring healing into our bodies. Now God has already given our healing through Jesus on the cross. What I mean is that when we worship God, we are not asking for that healing. When we do that we are praying unbelief. What we should do is thank Him for keeping us healthy and that we are free from the curse of sickness and disease.
When we read or speak God's Word out loud we are speaking health in our bodies. God's Word says that His Word is health and life to our bodies. When you do speak His Word you must also do it with emotion. When you do something with emotion it writes what you are wanting or doing on your heart. Also when you are speaking God's Word see your body healthy.
Another way is speaking in tongues. This is a heavenly language that you do not understand, but your spirit  and God understand it perfectly. It takes your mind out of the equation and prays perfectly for you.
We also must enter into God's rest. This is simply meditating on God. See yourself with Him. Clear your mind and letting Him speak to you. Taking a scripture lets say on healing. Example: "But His stripes I am healed". and meditating on it in His presence gives health to our bodies.
So take time every day to worship and rest on God. You'll be amazed at how fast things can change.

Dealing With Physical Pain

When you experience pain daily the pain totally interferes with every aspect of your life. Now I'm refering to severe pain that incapacitates you physically and mentally. I have suffered from this type of pain. The pain can be so intense that at times I couldn't focus on anything. It was so tormenting that I could do nothing but lay in bed. There are only two ways to deal with this type of pain. One you can live with it. I've done that and that option is not acceptable. Second we can believe that God did what He said He did. So what did He say He did? When He put Jesus on the cross He nailed each and everyone of us on the cross with Him. Then He put every sickness, disease, pain and suffering on Him so that man would never experience it. He gave pain to Jesus so that we would never have to bear any pain. Isaiah 53 says that by His stripes we were healed. Notice the past tense usage. When this took place God freed us from the curse of sickness, disease and death. So what must you do to receive your healing. You simply must believe in your heart that you are healed because of Jesus and that God does what He has said He has done. Now if you have already done this and you have seen no change, the problem isn't God, it's you. You have not yet believed in your heart. So here is an excercise that you can do. You must first understand that this is not something you do to earn your healing. God has already provided your healing. So what you can do is find scriptures on healing. Write them down on index cards and then read them several times a day, out loud. Also do it with emotion. Also while you are speaking those scriptures picture yourself healed. Now this could happen quickly or this could take a long time. It just depends how fast it is written on your heart. When we act in faith it is not our faith, it is Jesus' faith. This means do you believe that Jesus believes you are healed? The answer is of course. I hope that this helps you receive the healing that is already yours.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

According To God's Riches!!

God doesn't bless us out of His riches, but according to His riches. If He were to bless out of His riches this means that if He had one million dollars in an account He could bless us out of this account. The blessing could be one dollar. But when He blesses us according to His riches, He has blessed us with everything that He has. All His blessings are ours because of Jesus. We have no need to be poor. He has made the streets in Heaven out of pure gold. That gold is so pure that you can see through them.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Promises of God.

How do we qualify for God's promises and what we must do to earn those promises. The only qualification of receiving God's promises is to believe in our heart that Jesus died on the cross can't earn even one promise. Jesus earned them, and because of Jesus all the promises of God belong to us equally. So here is some of the promises(blessings) of God:
1- He blesses us where ever we go.
2- We will not be without children.
3- We will have abundant prosperity.
4- We will be in perfect health.
5- We will be blessed, going out and wherever we are.
6- Our enemies will be destroyed before us and flee seven ways.
7- He blesses our land.
8- We are holy.
9- All people we see that we are His.
10- Send rain we needed.
11- Blesses all the work of our hands.
12- We will have no debt.
13- He makes me the head and not the tail.
14- He makes always on top and never at the bottom.

Remember that these promises are yours. There is a lot more promises. I suggest that you go find them.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hebrews 4

Grace is God's strengthen and ability. Grace gives power to His Word. In this chapter we see that grace goes into our bodies and heals us. This happens when we speak the Word or when we speak the Word over others.
Next we see that grace discerns our thoughts. It's purpose is not to use our thoughts against us. It is there to renew our mind so that we think more like God.
Then we see that grace reveals what's in our heart. Not to judge, but to align what's in our heart so that we can be more like God.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Christ In Us!

Christ is us and we are in Him. This means that we have his (zoe) life. This means that we have the exact life He does. It does not mean that we have to wait until we go to Heaven to receive that life. We have that life right now on this earth. So we must ask ourself a question. Does my life line up with the life that He has? In other words, is He sick, poor, have no friends etc. If your facing sickness then yoy're not living the life that Christ has. He is not sick and you don't have to accept sickness, poverty or whatever. You must meditate on scriptures that speak of these things. Then sit and meditate with God and let His love fill you. Praise and worship Him, thank Him solving the problem as if it is already done.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Entering into God's Rest!

Hebrews 4:1-12

We must stop and rest from our works by realizing how much God loves us. We must meditate on Him and with Him. God's grace works in us to give us peace. When we speak His Word it penetrates to our bone marrow. When this takes place our blood is purified from sickness and disease. Scientist know that sickness and disease are in the blood. If you get rid of the sickness or disease you are healthy. God's Word heals you! His grace discerns our thoughts. It renews our mind so we think like Him. His grace reveals what's in our hearts. It then begins to make changes in us so that we become more like Him.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


All of us have things that worry us When worry comes about we must get rid of it. This applies to any circumstance that we don't like. So how to we get rid of it? We must enter into God's rest and realize how much He loves us and how faithful :e has been to us. Once we do this the worry will disappear.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Finished Work!

What is the finished work of the cross? This is where Jesus bore our sins. Not only that but He also bore our sickness and disease, pain and suffering. God placed all this on Jesus. He was not murdered, He laid down His life for us. Once He bore all this, died, resurrected and went to Heaven, His work was finished. We could know go boldly to God. He know made peace with us. He loves us unconditionally. There is nothing we can do to earn that love. So no matter how bad things are and what bad things you have done, are doing or are going to do, God still loves you. If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior; He will  forgive you of your sins. Just ask Him to.