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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Promises of God.

How do we qualify for God's promises and what we must do to earn those promises. The only qualification of receiving God's promises is to believe in our heart that Jesus died on the cross can't earn even one promise. Jesus earned them, and because of Jesus all the promises of God belong to us equally. So here is some of the promises(blessings) of God:
1- He blesses us where ever we go.
2- We will not be without children.
3- We will have abundant prosperity.
4- We will be in perfect health.
5- We will be blessed, going out and wherever we are.
6- Our enemies will be destroyed before us and flee seven ways.
7- He blesses our land.
8- We are holy.
9- All people we see that we are His.
10- Send rain we needed.
11- Blesses all the work of our hands.
12- We will have no debt.
13- He makes me the head and not the tail.
14- He makes always on top and never at the bottom.

Remember that these promises are yours. There is a lot more promises. I suggest that you go find them.

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