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Friday, May 4, 2012

Nothing Can Come Between You and God!

Romans 8:39
Absolutely nothing can get between me and God's (My Father's) love because of the way that Jesus my Master has embraced me.

If nothing can get between us and our Father's love, then is there anything that would cause Him not to love us.


There is nothing that ever has, or ever will keep our Father from loving us. Most of Christianity teaches that if you don't act a certain way, do things in a certain formula that God won't love you. Some say that He gets angry with us and sends natural disasters to kill homosexuals. This was televised by a national preacher during Katrina. Well there are several problems with this, one being what about the people who weren't gay. That would mean innocent people were killed if we believe what this preacher was saying. Second of all, all was forgiven at the cross of Jesus. God doesn't take back his Word like a man would.
There isn't a sin that we have committed, are committing or going to commit that can take God's love away from us. God sees us through Jesus and His perfect life. So then we are perfect in the eyes of God.

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