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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Be Careful to What You Are Hearing.

Mark 3:24
Jesus said, be careful what you are hearing. The measure of thought and study you give to the truth you hear will be the measure of virtue and knowledge that comes back to you and more besides will be given to you who hear.

Notice that this scripture did not say only the good things or only the bad things that you hear. It applies to both. When we see and hear things that are contrary to God's Word we begin the process of writing on our hearts. Once something is in your heart, it then becomes your reality. If we begin to ponder, meditate and focus our thoughts on those things, we get more of those things good or bad.
We all have areas in our lives where we don't always meditate on the good things. We easily meditate on good things in many areas, but then there are those areas that we just can't seem to break free off. I have this same issues. But in those areas of weakness we must first come before God and let His grace work in us. Grace is God's ability to work changes in us that we can not do ourselves. Then find scriptures that are related to whatever issue and think, ponder and meditate on them. The first place to start is to write them down. No computer, just hand write them out. Why? Because it has been proven that if you write something down you remember it. It makes it personal and begins the process of writing on our hearts.
Let's make an example of healing. 2 Peter 2:24 is a great place to start. It states that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. Begin by writing this down, along with other healing scriptures and then speak them throughout the day. Meditate one them, begin seeing yourself healed. Then feel yourself healed. This is the process of healing and what you hear and meditate on you get more of it. This can work for any area of life. So try, you won't be disappointed. But remember that you are not trying to get God to do something or that it is a formula, then it will not work. You also can not make it about your own effort.

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