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Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Series on the Constitution!

I'm going to begin a new series on the 28 principles on which our forefathers based our constitution. You will be surprised at what some of them are. You will be amazed! There are a lot of things that the progressive government, education, tv and media are telling you about or just our right lieing about. You will be able to follow this series on my Facebook page, just look up Pastor Robert Eaton. Here you will find the messages on my discussions board and on my video list. I look forward to this series very much. I have fallen in love with our forefathers. Their wisdom that jumps out at me. Their relationship with God, that's right, their sacrefices that were made.
I recommend that you buy the book; "The 5000 Year Leap!". There are two books with this title, the one you want is the one written by W. Cleon Skousen. It has the picture with the world and sun on it. Not the one with an astronaut. This is where I'll be getting most if not all of my information for this series. Another great book which on our history is: A Patriot's History of  the United States. This book has over 100 pages in footnotes. It's over 800 pages, but you will learn things in this book that you are not being told. I look forward to this series an am very excited to bring it to you.

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