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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Constitution Part 2

Constitution 2
The Founding Fathers’ Monumental Task Part 2
Structuring a Government with all The Power to the People
Ruler’s Law
The Founders seemed anxious that modern man recognize the subversive characteristics of oppressive Ruler’s Law which they identified primarily with a tyrannical monarchy. Here are its basic characteristics:
1.      Authority under Ruler’s Law is nearly always established by force, violence, and conquest.
2.      Therefore, all sovereign power is considered to be in the conqueror or his descendants.
3.      The people are not equal, but are divided into classes and are all looked upon as “subjects” of the king.
4.      The entire country is considered to be the property of the ruler. He speaks of it as his “realm.”
5.      The thrust of governmental power is from the top down, not from the people upward.
6.      The people have no unalienable rights. The “king giveth and the king taketh away.”
7.      Government is by the whims of men, not be the fixed rule of law which the people need in order to govern their affairs with confidence.
8.      The ruler issues edicts which are called “the law.”  He then interprets the law and enforces it, thus maintaining tyrannical control over the people.
9.      Under Ruler’s Law, problems are always solved by issuing more edicts or laws, setting up more bureaus, harassing the people with more regulators, and charging the people for these “services” by continually adding to their burden of taxes.
10.  Freedom is never looked upon as a viable solution to anything.
11.  The long history of Ruler’s Law is one of blood and terror, both anciently and in modern times. Under it the people are stratified into an aristocracy of the ruler’s retinue while the lot of the common people is one of perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, stringent regulations, and a continuous existence of misery.
I would like to take some time here and discuss some of the issues. If you think that our government isn’t doing these things, think again. We are being lead to a tyrannical dictatorship.

Point 1 – Conquest is not necessarily by force. You can conquer a nation without firing a shot.
Point 3 – The government has us divided into two parties. They also have us divided racially. When we figure out that the government is our problem and not each other; then we will stand against the government instead of each other.
Point 4 – If you ever attempted to build a house on your own property you know what I mean. Not only does the government think you need their permission, but they won’t let you build your house where you want on your own property. Example, our family owned more than 300 acres a ¼ wide by 1 mile deep, approximately. We couldn’t build on the lake that our property bordered, nor anywhere between there and the road. We had to build on the road front. Also don’t pay your property tax and they will take what doesn’t belong to them.
Point 5 – I see all the time where people allow the federal government to take and steal and tell them what they must do with their land and businesses. Instead of telling the federal government to take a hike, they just fall like lambs. So I would say that the power is coming top down instead of from the people.
Point 6 – They are taking away free speech, freedom of religion and weapons. Need I say more?
Point 7 – What do you call National Health Care being passed against the will of the people?
Point 8 – Our government passes so called laws all the time. Originally they couldn’t make laws on their own without the peoples say so.
Point 9 – More bureaus, more regulations, more laws, more taxes and even more misery.
Point 10 – Government always enslaves.
Point 11 – Do I need to even comment further?
God intended that man live free from a controlling government. When was as Americans start to realize that we are in charge and stand together; black, white, Asian, Hispanic and etc., our country will change alright. Back to its original republic of freedom, and the greatest nation ever to exist. My heritage is French, English, Scottish, African and Cherokee. I’m American.

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