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Friday, June 10, 2011

Constitution Part 1

Constitution Part 1
The Founding Fathers’ Monumental Task Part 1
Structuring a Government with all
The Power in the People
The Founding Fathers Political Spectrum
Part of the genius of the Founding Fathers was this political spectrum or political frame that was a yardstick for the measuring of the political power in any particular system of government; better than the one that is used today.
If they had used the modern yardstick of “Communism on the left” and “Fascism on the right”, they never would have formed the balance center which they were seeking.
What is the Left? What is the Right?
It is extremely unfortunate that the political philosophy today is measured in terms of political parties instead of political power. The Founding Fathers would have considered this most objectionable, even meaningless. Today people don’t understand the meaning of Left or Right. The terms actually refer to the manner in which the various parties are stated in the parliaments of Europe.
The radical revolutionaries (usually the Communists) occupy the far left and the military dictatorships (such as the Fascist) are on the far right. Other parties are located in between. So we don’t even know what we are saying when we say “I’m on the Left” or I’m on the Right”. Americans are in the center where there is a balance of political power.
Measuring people and issues in terms of political parties has turned out to be totally misleading. This is because the platforms or positions of political parties are often superficial and structured on shifting sand. The platforms of a political party or one generation can hardly be recognized by the next. Furthermore, Communism and Fascism turned out to be different names for approximately the same thing, the police state. They are not opposite extremes but, for all practical purposes, are virtually identical.
The Founding Fathers used a more accurate yardstick. The Founders measured political systems in terms of the amount of coercive power or systematic control which a particular system of government exercises over its people. In other words, the yardstick is not political parties, but political power.
Using this yardstick the Founders considered the two extremes to be ANARCHY on the one hand and TYRANNY on the other.
Anarchy = no government, no law, no systematic control and no government power. This is nothing less than total chaos.
Tyranny = too much government control, too much political oppression and too much government. In other words, slaves to the ruling class.
Our Founders wanted to find a balance center. They wanted to establish a system of “People’s Law”.
People’s Law = where the government is kept under the control of the people and political power is maintained at the balanced center with enough government to maintain security, justice, and good order, but not enough government to abuse the people.

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