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Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Things First!

Our first responsibility as believers is to have a personal relationship with God our Father. To love Him with all of our heart, body, and soul. God wants a personal relationship with us before anything else.
Our second responsibility is to work on ourselves, not try to change others. What ever issue that is within you that you don't like or want must be our focus first. But we can not change ourselves. We must open our heart to God and allow Him to make the changes that will make us more like Christ. Our goal as believers is to become more like Christ.
Now the question is how do we do this. God gives us several different ways to communicate with us. Through our heart, His Word, other people and more. The first place I would begin is in His Word. Find scriptures that correspond with what ever issue you have. Take those scriptures and read them out loud. Then meditate on those scriptures until you create an emotion. Once you create and emotion with a corresponding thought, you write it on you heart. Once you write it on your heart, it manifest in your life.
Most of the time changes don't take place over night. They take time. You have old beliefs in your heart that you have taken years to put in there, it will take time to get them out. Take only one issue at a time when you do this. As you go through this process, one day you will notice that the issue is gone and you won't know when it went away.
Pastors are not perfect, they are people. I have lots of beliefs/issues in my life that I want to get rid of. I am constantly working on them. My hope is that they will go away. You and I will always have misguiding beliefs and issues in our lives. We will not be perfected until we go to heaven.

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