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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where's the Honor?

Where’s the Honor?
Have you ever noticed how people act? Or how they treat you? I’m sure you have. It amazes me how easily people get offended. Not only that, but how fast they will offend turn on you, turn a story around and try to blame you. They will lie to you, lie about you, overdramatize what took place and then turn around and demand an apology from you. They will act like two year olds, not speak to you or have anything to do with you in an attempt to control you to get they’re way. I know you know what I’m talking about, we all have been there done that.
This kind of behavior is self righteous, unforgiving, controlling, immature and just plain wrong. When this type of behavior takes place and you hold on to the anger, the person you angry at it controlling you. They are not purposely controlling you. But by not letting the past go, you are giving that past event control over you. That other person you are mad at is sleeping comfortably in their bed while not losing any sleep over the incident.
First of all this type of behavior is usually learned from a parent with control issues. But mostly it comes from a lack of a loving relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. What I see going on in a lot of people, including people who say they are Christians, is an attitude of self. They will cheat, steal, lie, and defame others to get what they want. This is not the America I grew up in. I see people screaming for smaller government, but when cuts are made and it affects them, they scream bloody murder. It’s ok to make cuts as long as it doesn’t affect them. I could go on and on. But where’s the honor?
Honor is in the non believer as well as the believer. But all honor comes from God. Whether the non believer wants to admit it or not. God created honor, so it works whether one believes in Him or not. Just like sewing and reaping. Man can’t create a sense of moral standards based on himself. Moral standards come from God alone. When man tries to create a sense of moral standards based on himself, well we’ve seen where that has gone. Hitler, Stalin, and any other person. It always goes bad.
But once we have a sense of honor based on a loving relationship with God our Father, we then take on more of His likeness. Once this happens it doesn’t really matter what others say or think about you. It only matters what God thinks about you. We must learn that when we say something that we mean it and act on it. Until this nation as a whole begins to get back into the church, start having a relationship with God, then as we have seen time and time again throughout history, our nation is doomed. Because no nation can stand who does not have a sense go Godly morals and virtues.

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