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Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's In Your Heart

How To Change What You Don't Want

So how do we change the things in our lives that we don't want. Examples could be sickness, diesease, poverty, lack of freindships and etc. This list can go on and on. We first must realize that all core beliefs are established in our hearts. Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. The brain is just a processor that sends or receives information. We also must understand that every time our heart beats, it sends out to every cell in our body what our heart believes. I know that this can be complicated so if you would like to know more you can log on to the site of Dr. Jim Richards to learn more.
So how do we change our heart beat (our core beliefs)? God's Word talks about putting on and putting off. What is this? Simple, to put off something it goes like this. When you begin to have any negative thought, you must stop yourself and conscienciously tell yourself to stop. Also see it going away from you. Sickness is a good example. See yourself sending that sickness out of your body. But you can't stop here. Now take a promise of God. 2 Peter 2:24 says that by Jesus' stripes I was healed. Notice I said it in the first person, this is very important. So make sure you always read or say God's promises in the first person. Now you have made it personal and your heart now hears that you are speaking to it. So know that you've done this you must attach and emotion to the promise and see and feel yourself healed. Now I must say that it is in all probability that this will not happen immediately. Now it can, but you have probably programmed your heart towards sickness for many years, so it could take some time. So everytime that thought comes forth, send it away, I don't care if it takes thousands of times doing it. It is worth the wait. This is how you apply faith. By taking what the Word of God says and putting it into your heart, so that your heart brings forth what you desire, good or bad.
But there is one more piece of the puzzle. You must take ownership of what ever has caused you to, let's say have no money. If it's foolishness, stupidity or laziness. Whatever it is you must identify what the problem is and own it. If you don't this process it will not work. Because once you identify the cause of the problem you can now deal with it and work to correct it. You can't fix something if you don't know what's wrong with it.
So learn to change the beat of your heart.

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