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Monday, August 29, 2011

Don't Mix the Old with the New!

What Does This Mean?

It simply means that we can't mix the Old Testament with the New Testament. Testament means covenant. In the New Testament we get our righteousness from what Jesus did at the cross. In the Old Testament righteousness was gained through the law. But there was a catch. To be righteous you had to obey every single law of Moses. The point was that if you broke one law you were guilty of them all. There were so many laws that there was no way you could to obey them. Just the ten commandments along are hard enough to obey. No one was perfect and without guilt.
But in the New Testament Jesus is the one who obeyed the law and was without sin. But He took our sin, God then judged, condemned and took His anger out on Jesus. This was the judgement, condemnation, anger and punishment that we should have received.
So when I say that you can't mix the two testaments, I mean that if you try to use the Old Testament in anyway towards your righteousness, you have mixed the two. The Old Testament was all about works righteousness. This means that you had to be good enough to get to heaven. Try to please God or earn your way to heaven you are in works righteousness.
Jesus was our replacement on the cross. His works are what makes us righteous today. We can't earn God's love, earn our way to heaven, be good enough or etc.
Now this is where most people don't understand. If you have a loving relationship with our Father and believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross and that He is the Son of God, you can't lose your salvation. God forgave us of all sin, He then took that sin and send it as far away as the east is from the west, then forgot all of our sins. When God says He forgot our sins He meant it. So if for example you pray to God and ask Him to forgive you of a sin, He doesn't know what you are talking about. We can't comprehend this as men, because we just can't unforget. But God can. So if you as a believer go out and steal, lie, cheat, commit adultery, murder and ot etc. You will not go to hell.
I know some are just totally upset with this statement. But if God has forgiven all sin but one, the unbelief that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died for us, then all those sins listed above have been forgiven. Some will say that we must have the fruit of being believers to show our faithfulness. Any time your try to earn your way, be good enough, you are in works righteousness and trying to earn your righteousness.
Some will say that this gives us free reign to go out and sin all we want. No it does not. When you have a loving relationship with our Father all you want is more of Him. You will not go out on a sin rampage. You will only want to do what He ask you to do. And that is not sin, but love others as your self. You will become more like Christ everyday. We are to use Christ as our example. Christ is in us and we are in Him.
I surely hope that this has helped someone to better understand our Father and what Jesus did for us at the cross. Everything that we read, hear or do must be based on the cross of Jesus. If something in the Old Testament doesn't line up with what Jesus did on the cross, then we are not to use it. The Old Testament is not to be ignored. There are many parts we can apply to our lives, but not getting our righteousness from it. There are many laws that are good for us to apply. There are criminal and civil laws. There are health codes. There are even laws that teach us how to communicate and treat each other. There are examples of what others should or shouldn't have done in there.
So what did Jesus do at the cross. When God put Jesus on the cross He some how in His heart placed us there with Him. So God placed all sin, sickness, disease, pain, suffering, poverty and every bad thing that could happen to us onto Jesus. God then judged all those things as bad. God then took His anger out on Him and condemned Jesus to death, sent Him to hell where Jesus defeated Satan once and for all, rose Jesus out of hell and has now placed Jesus on His right side.
This means once again that God is not angry with you, not judging or condemning you. He's not out ot get you or He does not cause bad thing to happen to you. He doesn't brake you leg to try to teach you a lesson or to get you to do something. He does not send hurricanes or anything bad to get you or kill you. God is good and good all the time. Only good things come from God. So if you want to know if something is from God, it is real simple! If something is good it is from God, if it is not, then it is not from God our Father. If you would like to hear more messages like this one, you can go to
You can accept Jesus into your life right where you are. Just simply pray this prayer: God my Father I love you, I believe that you sent Jesus to earth as a man to die on the cross for me, that He died on the cross, took my sin, died and went to hell, and rose on the third day and now sits on our Fathers side. If you would like more information you can visit the web page listed above. From there you can email the staff. You could also email me at, or visit my facebook page at Pastor Robert Eaton.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where's the Honor?

Where’s the Honor?
Have you ever noticed how people act? Or how they treat you? I’m sure you have. It amazes me how easily people get offended. Not only that, but how fast they will offend turn on you, turn a story around and try to blame you. They will lie to you, lie about you, overdramatize what took place and then turn around and demand an apology from you. They will act like two year olds, not speak to you or have anything to do with you in an attempt to control you to get they’re way. I know you know what I’m talking about, we all have been there done that.
This kind of behavior is self righteous, unforgiving, controlling, immature and just plain wrong. When this type of behavior takes place and you hold on to the anger, the person you angry at it controlling you. They are not purposely controlling you. But by not letting the past go, you are giving that past event control over you. That other person you are mad at is sleeping comfortably in their bed while not losing any sleep over the incident.
First of all this type of behavior is usually learned from a parent with control issues. But mostly it comes from a lack of a loving relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. What I see going on in a lot of people, including people who say they are Christians, is an attitude of self. They will cheat, steal, lie, and defame others to get what they want. This is not the America I grew up in. I see people screaming for smaller government, but when cuts are made and it affects them, they scream bloody murder. It’s ok to make cuts as long as it doesn’t affect them. I could go on and on. But where’s the honor?
Honor is in the non believer as well as the believer. But all honor comes from God. Whether the non believer wants to admit it or not. God created honor, so it works whether one believes in Him or not. Just like sewing and reaping. Man can’t create a sense of moral standards based on himself. Moral standards come from God alone. When man tries to create a sense of moral standards based on himself, well we’ve seen where that has gone. Hitler, Stalin, and any other person. It always goes bad.
But once we have a sense of honor based on a loving relationship with God our Father, we then take on more of His likeness. Once this happens it doesn’t really matter what others say or think about you. It only matters what God thinks about you. We must learn that when we say something that we mean it and act on it. Until this nation as a whole begins to get back into the church, start having a relationship with God, then as we have seen time and time again throughout history, our nation is doomed. Because no nation can stand who does not have a sense go Godly morals and virtues.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Battle is in the Mind, Not With Satan!!!

Our Battle is in the Mind, Not With Satan!!!
We must understand that Satan is a defeated enemy. A defeated enemy no longer has power over the whom defeated him.  Jesus defeated Satan in hell and took the keys to his kingdom. Jesus owns him. And because Jesus is in us and we in Him, then Satan has no power over us. So this leaves us with a battle in our minds.
Eph. 4:17-18 (ISV) Therefore, I tell you and insist on in the Lord not to live any longer like the gentiles live, thinking worthless thoughts. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of their ignorance and hardness of heart.
Worthless thoughts has several meanings, one is moral depravity from the word vanity. Other worthless thoughts are thoughts about yourself that have a negative context, a sense of low self worth. Thoughts that say you can’t do something. Thoughts that think you’re sick, weak can’t prosper. Really any thought that is contrary to who God says you are and what you can do.
If you make statements or have thoughts that are contrary to what and who God says you are, you are actually lying. God says His truth is the only real truth. For instance; you make statements like these, I’m always sick, I’ll always be poor and etc. You are lying to yourself. Because God says He has healed your through the stripes of Jesus (2 Peter 2:24). At the cross He broke the curse of poverty.
Even as believers when we have these negative thoughts we separate ourselves from the promises of God. We are never separated from Him. These thoughts can cause our hearts to harden an unable to receive what God has in store for us. And it is ignorant to think otherwise.
Rom. 12:2-3 (ISV) Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing or your minds so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect. For by grace given to me I ask every one of you to think of yourself more highly than you should think, rather to think of yourself with sober judgment on the measure of faith that God has assigned each of you.
So what does being conformed to the world mean? Easy, don’t try to control others; don’t have to have things your way all the time. Thinking that you have to work hard to be successful so that you gain approval from others. Being hateful, judgmental and etc. There is nothing wrong with being successful, it just depends on the intent you use to get there.
What is meant by being continually transformed by the renewing of your mind?
We have to continually stop those negative thoughts we they come up and replace those thoughts with who and what God says you are, along with His promises. This is the process in which you renew or change the thoughts of your mind. Let me tell you, if you replace a bad thought with a promise that God has given you, your mind will quickly begin to change. But if you don’t keep up this process, you can quickly go back to having those negative thoughts.
I want to take a moment to explain what the measure of faith he is talking about here. All believers has been given all the faith the can be given. No one believer has more faith in them than another. Usually the ones that seem to be given more faith, are just operating in the faith they already have. We only operate in the faith that we believe in the strongest.
Rom. 8:5-6 (ISV) For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. To focus our minds on the human nature leads to death, but to focus our minds on the Spirit leads to life and peace.
Flesh means the world system.
Human nature means controlling others, acts of immoral behavior and etc.
We must set our minds on the things of God. Peace, love, serving other, God’s promises and etc.

1 Tim. 6:3-5 (ISV) If anyone teaches (or believes) false doctrine and refuses to agree with sound words of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, and godly teaching, he is a conceited person and does not understand anything. He has an unhealthy craving for arguments and debates. This produces jealousy, rivalry, slander, evil suspicions, and incessant conflict between people who are depraved in mind and deprived of truth. They think that godliness is a way to make profit.
Need I say anything more? Learn to train yourself to think the things of God. This will produce life and peace in your life. A lot more will take place also, because now you have opened up your heart to receive what God has done for you. I don’t know about you, but anything or plan that goes has for me, will be better than anything or plan that I have for myself.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's In Your Heart

How To Change What You Don't Want

So how do we change the things in our lives that we don't want. Examples could be sickness, diesease, poverty, lack of freindships and etc. This list can go on and on. We first must realize that all core beliefs are established in our hearts. Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. The brain is just a processor that sends or receives information. We also must understand that every time our heart beats, it sends out to every cell in our body what our heart believes. I know that this can be complicated so if you would like to know more you can log on to the site of Dr. Jim Richards to learn more.
So how do we change our heart beat (our core beliefs)? God's Word talks about putting on and putting off. What is this? Simple, to put off something it goes like this. When you begin to have any negative thought, you must stop yourself and conscienciously tell yourself to stop. Also see it going away from you. Sickness is a good example. See yourself sending that sickness out of your body. But you can't stop here. Now take a promise of God. 2 Peter 2:24 says that by Jesus' stripes I was healed. Notice I said it in the first person, this is very important. So make sure you always read or say God's promises in the first person. Now you have made it personal and your heart now hears that you are speaking to it. So know that you've done this you must attach and emotion to the promise and see and feel yourself healed. Now I must say that it is in all probability that this will not happen immediately. Now it can, but you have probably programmed your heart towards sickness for many years, so it could take some time. So everytime that thought comes forth, send it away, I don't care if it takes thousands of times doing it. It is worth the wait. This is how you apply faith. By taking what the Word of God says and putting it into your heart, so that your heart brings forth what you desire, good or bad.
But there is one more piece of the puzzle. You must take ownership of what ever has caused you to, let's say have no money. If it's foolishness, stupidity or laziness. Whatever it is you must identify what the problem is and own it. If you don't this process it will not work. Because once you identify the cause of the problem you can now deal with it and work to correct it. You can't fix something if you don't know what's wrong with it.
So learn to change the beat of your heart.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not Everyone is Going to Heaven!

I have become concerned over the past several months and probably the past year on some dangerous issues facing Christianity. First I would like to discuss ultimate reconciliation. This is the believe that God is so merciful that He will never send anyone to Hell, that everyone will go to Heaven when it is all said and done. God has never sent anyone to Hell, we do that ourselves because God has given us a free will. He has already provided a way to Him(Heaven) through Jesus Christ. Just because we don't like His solution, doesn't mean He'll do what we think He should do. So the first thing that we must do is to look at what God says about this.
Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

Joh 14:6  Jesus said to him, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Gen. 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in His own image God created them; He created them male and female.

In the original Hebrew the translation here is more described as an exact copy.
So we see that Jesus says that if we don't believe who He is and what He has says He has done for us, then we can't have access to God our Father. This means those who don't believe in Jesus as the Son of God can't enter into Heaven when they die.
Then we see that God made us in His image. Believers and non-believers alike. When He created us, He put the knowledge of Him in us.

Rom. 1:19-23 (LITV)
Rom 1:19 because the thing known of God is clearly known within them, for God revealed it to them. Rom 1:20 For the unseen things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things made, both His eternal power and Godhead, for them to be without excuse. Rom 1:21 Because knowing God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful. But they became vain in their reasonings, and their undiscerning heart was darkened. Rom 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became foolish Rom 1:23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things.
We have no excuses in not believing in God. If we don't, then we condemn ourselves to eternal damnation, not God condemning us.

Know about Chrislam. This religion is coming about because of some so called Christian Pastors are appeasing Islam and combining the two religions. These leaders don't have the fundamental beliefs that God tells us that we must have. And what is that belief? That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came to this earth as a man, died on the cross for each and everyone of us, bore our sins, sickness, disease, poverty and every bad thing, died, went to hell, rose on the third day and now sits on the right hand of God our Father. This is what lets us get to Heaven to be with God our Father forever.
God also warns us not to mix Christian beliefs with the beliefs of other religions. We see this time and time again in the Old Testament and it never worked.
So here is what Islam believes about Jesus. Jesus is not the Son of God. That He was a great prophet. That He didn't die on the cross that it was someone else and He lied about it. That He did die and went to be with Allah. So according to their end times beliefs Jesus will return, renounce Christianity and claim to be Islamic. He will then go to the Christians and give them a chance to turn to Islam and renounce their faith, and if they don't He will kill them.
Satan always turns things opposite of what God says and does. So how do Pastors and believers who have a personal relationship with God believe that they should turn to Chrislam? I believe that they never did have a relationship with God. Or if they did they have now betrayed Christianity by changing their minds..
The belief in ultimate reconciliation and Chrislam is a very dangerous position for someone to believe in. It is only you're eternal destination we are talking about. So can a person who believes that Jesus Christ is their saviour, that He died for their sins and etc. enter into Heaven if they believe in ultimate reconciliation? If they believed from the beginning that the only way they could get to Heaven was the belief in Jesus and know say they believe that everyone gets to Heaven. That would be for God to decide, He knows the heart of the believer. I believe that they are confused because they have not done their own home work, or have been tought different things about Jesus without seeing what God says about it. You can still sin as a believer and go to Heaven. You can lie, cheat, still and murder and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, and still go to Heaven. God did away with sin at the cross of Jesus. He judged our sins, and placed them on Jesus, condemned our sins and Jesus to hell. But this does not give us a license to sin. If you have a loving relationship with God your Father you want to please Him and not sin.  But I will say that I you believe Jesus as your Lord and saviour and you believe in ultimate reconciliation, then you are calling God a liar. God can't lie. You can't believe God on one issue and not another. You're just fitting parts of what God says into your lives to justify some other belief you have so that you aren't responsible for your actions. Christianity is about taking responsibility for your actions. If you don't make it to Heaven, then you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. If you are acting out in sin, then you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. If things aren't working out in your life like God says they should be, then you only have yourself to blame.
If Christianity is so wrong, then why do some many hate it and the Hebrew people? Why is there such a effort being made to git rid of it in our own nation and around the world or to destroy the nation of Israel? Because people don't want to be held responsible for their actions or even see a reminder. They want some one else to blame. Some Christians and other religions believe that you must earn something from God or that you must become good enough. The point they miss is that we will never be good enough. The only one who is good enough is Jesus.
In the coming days it will become harder for some people to maintain their faith in Jesus Christ. Many will fall by the way. I believe and the Bible says that those whom do not have a solid foundation in who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for us will fall from their belief in Him. Those who hate us and want to destroy us will only grow stronger in that hate in the coming end times. They will kill every Christian they can who will not denounce Jesus. They will behead them and hunt them down. But I have good news. If you want to miss the persecution that the Bible describes during the end times then accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for you and your sins on the cross, that He went to hell as punishment for those sins and then rose on the third day and now sits at the right hand of God our Father, and you believe this in your heart, now you will be with God in etnernity and miss those days that are coming.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone believing into Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Joh 3:18 The one believing into Him is not condemned; but the one not believing has already been condemned, for he has not believed into the name of the only begotten Son of God.