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Friday, April 27, 2012

Not Our Will, But His!

If there is one thing that I know is that God my Father has a better plan for me than any I can conceive of. I have given Him full authority to do in me and for me. The Bible has a term called submit. Now I really don't like the word submit. It's good in areas of work, discipline and such. It is not a good word if it is used to control others. There are people out there who love controlling others, but if someone tries to control them, they don't like it.
Recently I had to  really submit to God's will over something in my life. In the past if you were my friend, I don't mean just friend, I mean that I consider you family, and you betrayed me for whatever reason, I would never have a thing to do with you, speak to you or absolutely anything to do with you.
This happened to use a couple of  years ago. Over those last two years I had that same attitude. But God began dealing with me on this issue. I decided to communicate with this person. During the communication I felt that this person wasn't feeling worthy, loved, confident and so on. So in the middle of the communication God reminded me of the prodigal son. Remember where the first born son decided to take his inheritance and go out on his own? Total failure took place in that you man's life. So he decided to return home very reluctantly. When his father noticed him coming home from a distance, he ran towards his son and embraced him, dressed him in the finest clothing and threw a big party. Then the father told him that his place of honor was completely restored.
So suddenly I that person that as a believer it was my duty to act as close to Christ behavior that a man can. I told him that Christ thought that he was worthy enough to pay the ultimate price for him. So I too said that he was worth any price I had to pay to restore his friendship and that if he wanted he could return to his place of honor with me and be fully restored as the friend he had been.
Now I'm telling you that this was God's grace working in me. Remember that grace is God's ability working in me to make changes in me that I could never do myself. Now I'm not saying that if this ever took place again in the future that I would do the same thing. Circumstances could be totally different, or the possibility that I wouldn't yield to God's will.
Will this make our friendship better? I don't know only time will tell. But I know that whatever happens, God plan is far more greater than mine. This is only an example of the many opportunities that God gives us to submit to His will. It's not a submission of slavery or one that would cause you harm. God is only good and good all the time. All His plans for us are far beyond what we could hope for us. Learn to submit to His will and I promise you that you will see changes you wouldn't believe would take place in your life.

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