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Monday, April 16, 2012

The Christian Attitude!

The Christian Attitude!
I see Christians with the wrong attitude about others all the time. However, the wrong attitude is not limited to Christians. But today were are going to discuss the Christian attitude, what it should be, whose example do we follow. Not every Christian has the wrong attitude towards others, but a lot do.
Eph 4:1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, urge you to live in a way that is worthy of the calling to which you have been called,
Eph 4:2 demonstrating all expressions of humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another in love.
Eph 4:3 Do your best to maintain the unity of the Spirit by means of the bond of peace.

There are many verses in the Bible that tell us to act in the way that we see here in Ephesians. It doesn’t say tell people God hates them because they are homosexuals, thieves, murders and etc. It doesn’t say protest funerals telling the fallen soldiers family that their son or daughter is going to hell because they killed another in combat. First of all these people don’t understand their own Bible. God said not to murder people. There is a big difference between murdering someone and killing an enemy in defense of your country.
Where is the love in telling people God hates them, which is a lie? Where is the love and compassion in telling people that their family member is going to hell because they killed in combat? One more thing about the soldier’s funeral. How do those who protest those funerals even know if that soldier killed another in combat? Maybe that soldier hadn’t seen combat and was killed in an attack before they could even fight back.
It is not the job of Christians to protest against the actions of others. It is not the job of Christians to show hate or anger because someone is acting different that what they think they should act.
So where do we find our example in how our attitude should be? God’s Word and the actions of Jesus himself. No where do we see Jesus protesting, condemning, judging or acting in a foolish manner towards anyone.
When the Pharisees brought the prostitute before him, we don’t see him telling her that she is going to hell because of her sin. No, we see mercy, compassion, love, gentleness and more. That is the attitude we must take at all times.
Now that story of the Pharisees has more to it than what we have been taught and what we see at first glance when we read that story.
In the story the very first thing that we notice is that only the women was brought before Jesus, not the man. It takes two to commit adultery. These so called men of God got together, hired the prostitute and decided which one or one’s were going to have sex with her. I can see them drawing lots to see who the lucky winner or winners were going to be.
Jesus knew what was going on. But how we should act towards anyone is seen here in this story. Jesus showed all of the fruit of the Spirit. He showed mercy, love, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness towards these women. No matter what a person has done, is doing or is going to do that does not line up with the Word of God; this is how we are to treat them.
So before you judge another for their actions, you should first remove the log from your eye before you try removing the twig from the eye of another.
1Ti 6:11 But you, man of God, must flee from all these things. Instead, you must pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness.

Let us see what the fruit of the Spirit is:
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

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