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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Time is Short!

I have been doing a lot if reseach over the past two weeks. I have been looking at end time events. There are two specfic areas I will dicuss. My studies have lead me to conclude that there are some very strong indicators that could take place.  I'm not trying to cause fear in you. I want you to be prepared by first of all knowing that God loves you more than you could ever know.  That He is our only hope.
It doesn't take a economic education to see that the US can not sustain it's self much longer. I believe it very likely that we experience and economic collapse this year.  There are a lot of reasons why. One of them is because it's intentional so that it will bring in the one world government.  A real strong indicator was that the only other time in history gas prices fell at the rate we are seeing was in the crash of 2008. Once those prices fell it was only a few months later the crash happened.  The printing of money without gold and silver backing up that money. Also the continued borrowing of money. 
I really didn't understand the fuss over the four blood moons that we will experience over 2014 & 2015. I'm just going to touch base on the blood moons so if you want to learn more do some research to better understand. Four blood moons are a very rare thing. And if you track the history of those blood moons there were very significant events that took place. These last four which two oocured last year and two more come this year in April and September.  Each one falling on a Jewish feast.  God says in His Word that He uses signs in the heavens to tell us what to look for. These blood moons indicate  some great bad event and one great good event will take place.  Myself and others believe that one of these moons indicate the world economic collapse that will usher in the new one world government and the revealing of the antichrist. But don't be fearful because God wins. The other blood moon could indicate the rapture of God's people. I believe very strongly that these two events could happen.  So strongly that I feel it necessary to send out this warning. It's going to get very bad all over. I don't know when or how long in between these events take place. It's possible that we as believers will have to be part of that collapse.  But I know that without Jesus being Lord of our life, whatever happens will be a lot harder to deal with. Believers in Christ will not go through the seven years of the one world government that is coming. This is going to be the worst time in history to be on earth.
So I am asking your to be prepared. If you are a believer know God's Word,  but more than that have a personal relationship with Him. If you don't believe in Christ as your Lord and savior go to Him now and ask Him to enter your heart and let His mercy and grace work in you.