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Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I would like to update you on some changes that are taking place with our minsitry. We soon will be establishing a ministry called Living Life From The Heart.
We will be dealing with teaching on the heart. How it works, how to relate to God and how to make changes in our heart about what we believe.
Then at some point we will be offering heart classes that will be hands on training.
We are currently available to be guest speakers.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Poll Results

I would like to address some of the comments made in regards to the poll question.
These were some of the answers to that question, does God love us unconditionally?

1- No, because God took a loved one.

God does not take our loved ones. This implies that God killed them. The Bible says that God is good all the time. It also says that as people we really love our children and God loves us perfectly. So with that in mind how much more does God love our children than we do? God also says that He will never harm us. So if God did take a loved one that makes Him a murderer, a liar and a physco path.

2- No, because I have to earn His love.

This too is false. Jesus bore every sin on the cross. God forgave us of those sins and remembers them no more. The contract He made with Jesus at the cross is based on what Jesus has done, not what we do. If it were based on what we did, we would never be good enough. Jesus said that if we broke one of the 812 laws of Moses, then we would be guilty of them all. We can't even obey the top ten commandments. Under the Old Testament people had to earn righteousness through the law. But today we are righteous because of what Jesus did, not by our own efforts.

3- No, because of something I did.

The answer to number two applies here.

My hope is that those of you who answered the pole now have a better understanding of God.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Heart Basics

I have begun a series on creation. For those in the Lake county Florida area we meet every Monday night @ 7 pm located at Family Bible church in Eustis .