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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Grace The Power To Change Part 20

Grace The Power To Change
Part 20
Effortless Change
What is the difference between change that lasts and change that never seems to last.
All lasting change is effortless. If change comes about by our efforts, then that change will last only as long as we put forth effort. When we get tired, angry, or discouraged, or experience any negative emotions, we may stop putting forth effort. Then we are right back where we started. Lasting change only comes about by believing.
How do we change our beliefs?
Changing our beliefs is not effortless. We must spend time in the Word of God and in fellowship with God to bring about a change in our beliefs. When we read and believe the truth and then begin to experience it – it will set us free. The truth we believe will bring about the changes we need.
How does your view of God influence your ability to change?
Positive change is based on the way we see God and Jesus. If you have a negative view of God, you cannot be a positive Christian. If you see God as angry, vengeful, or faultfinding, you will be angry, full of vengeance, and faultfinding. You are continually being changed into the image of God you believe in. It happens by the power of what you believe. For you to understand the dynamics of personal change you must examine what you believe about God.
How is God revealed to us?
God is revealed to us through the life and ministry of Jesus. Jesus was an exact representation of God while here on earth. In order to see God, you must look at Him through the life of Jesus.
How are we able to fall into idolatry?
If we construct a concept of God that is different from the revelation that Jesus showed us, we are exalting an idol. The idol that we exalt is the vain imagination we have of God. No matter how a wrong belief of God comes, it becomes an idol in our minds that isolates us from a relationship with the true and living God.

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