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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Promises of God.

How do we qualify for God's promises and what we must do to earn those promises. The only qualification of receiving God's promises is to believe in our heart that Jesus died on the cross can't earn even one promise. Jesus earned them, and because of Jesus all the promises of God belong to us equally. So here is some of the promises(blessings) of God:
1- He blesses us where ever we go.
2- We will not be without children.
3- We will have abundant prosperity.
4- We will be in perfect health.
5- We will be blessed, going out and wherever we are.
6- Our enemies will be destroyed before us and flee seven ways.
7- He blesses our land.
8- We are holy.
9- All people we see that we are His.
10- Send rain we needed.
11- Blesses all the work of our hands.
12- We will have no debt.
13- He makes me the head and not the tail.
14- He makes always on top and never at the bottom.

Remember that these promises are yours. There is a lot more promises. I suggest that you go find them.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hebrews 4

Grace is God's strengthen and ability. Grace gives power to His Word. In this chapter we see that grace goes into our bodies and heals us. This happens when we speak the Word or when we speak the Word over others.
Next we see that grace discerns our thoughts. It's purpose is not to use our thoughts against us. It is there to renew our mind so that we think more like God.
Then we see that grace reveals what's in our heart. Not to judge, but to align what's in our heart so that we can be more like God.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Christ In Us!

Christ is us and we are in Him. This means that we have his (zoe) life. This means that we have the exact life He does. It does not mean that we have to wait until we go to Heaven to receive that life. We have that life right now on this earth. So we must ask ourself a question. Does my life line up with the life that He has? In other words, is He sick, poor, have no friends etc. If your facing sickness then yoy're not living the life that Christ has. He is not sick and you don't have to accept sickness, poverty or whatever. You must meditate on scriptures that speak of these things. Then sit and meditate with God and let His love fill you. Praise and worship Him, thank Him solving the problem as if it is already done.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Entering into God's Rest!

Hebrews 4:1-12

We must stop and rest from our works by realizing how much God loves us. We must meditate on Him and with Him. God's grace works in us to give us peace. When we speak His Word it penetrates to our bone marrow. When this takes place our blood is purified from sickness and disease. Scientist know that sickness and disease are in the blood. If you get rid of the sickness or disease you are healthy. God's Word heals you! His grace discerns our thoughts. It renews our mind so we think like Him. His grace reveals what's in our hearts. It then begins to make changes in us so that we become more like Him.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


All of us have things that worry us When worry comes about we must get rid of it. This applies to any circumstance that we don't like. So how to we get rid of it? We must enter into God's rest and realize how much He loves us and how faithful :e has been to us. Once we do this the worry will disappear.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Finished Work!

What is the finished work of the cross? This is where Jesus bore our sins. Not only that but He also bore our sickness and disease, pain and suffering. God placed all this on Jesus. He was not murdered, He laid down His life for us. Once He bore all this, died, resurrected and went to Heaven, His work was finished. We could know go boldly to God. He know made peace with us. He loves us unconditionally. There is nothing we can do to earn that love. So no matter how bad things are and what bad things you have done, are doing or are going to do, God still loves you. If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior; He will  forgive you of your sins. Just ask Him to.