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Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Beginnings

I must apologize for my absence over the past few years. I must be honest and state that I didn't really know if I wanted to continue spreading God's Word. There has been some much taking place over the past few years. I have a love for cooking and attended a Culinary School am now I work as a Chef.
However for the past year I have felt God leading me back to teaching His Word. I am now expanding my Theology degree and moving forward from an AS to a BS and hopefully an MS.
It never was or has been my intent to have a church. My goal is the more I study God's Word the closer I become with Him. This works for everyone. But I do feel that I should share what I learn. I guess you could say that I will teach through this blog and who knows where this will go. I don't have a problem with speaking engagements, which I have done.
My goal is to teach from what is called The Gospel of Peace. I hope that what I teach you brings you to a closer relationship with our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I can tell you that prophecy is telling us that His return most likely will be in our life times. But first there a time of great tribulation of such terrible events like we have never seen on earth. There will be a world wide event that will lead to a one world government. 
One can prove the pre-rapture or the post-rapture of God's people. I believe in the pre-rapture of God's people. The are many examples in the Bible where God couldn't destroy evil without first getting His people out. Let me clarify the rapture then I will clarify His people. The rapture is an event where God takes the people off earth who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus in the heart. These people love God and have a personal relationship with Him. They are taken off earth just prior to what the Bible calls the seven years of tribulation where for 3 1/2 years the world leader tries destroy the Jews, believers (Christians) and attempt to remove the mention of God on the earth. The last 3 1/2 years is God destroying the world leader (Satan) and his armies. 
If it's a post rapture then we all need to hang on, it's going to be bad. If so then the only thing that even begin to bring us peace during this time is God Himself and knowing that in the end we win anyway.
I do need to explain The Gospel of Peace here. This says that God has forgiven us of all past, present and future sin. That there is nothing for us to earn from God. He loves us with condition. That He is not mad at us, out to get us, testing us or making bad things happen in our lives. All this has been done through Jesus Christ's death burial and resurrection. There is more to it than that, but I have either already covered that in prior post, or will elaborate on the subject at a later date.

God Loves You,


Monday, February 23, 2015

Time is Very Short!

I know some will want to know what I mean by time is being short.  For believers and non-believers I am referring to what is called the rapture. The bible doesn't  use the word rapture it  calls it the call I got away. This is a promise  made by Jesus that He will remove His people (believers) from the earth. The remains of the bodies of believers will go first, then those are alive at that time will follow. This means  that there will be people who will not die. This will happen in the blinking of an eye, that's fast.
However before this rapture can take place certain prophecies had to take place. There is a lot of them and we won't  get into those now.
My main reason for writing about this is that I want as many people  as possible to be rapture as possible. Why? Because  things are going to get so bad here on earth, that you don't want be here for the seven years that follow. According to scriptures billions will die during  this time from war, famine, disease and sickness. Anyone during this time that doesn't or won't  believe in their heart that Jesus  was crucified,  died, went to hell and  rose  the third will not make it to heaven. Really if you don't  believe that now you won't  make it to heaven. But if you do believe you will miss that 7 year nightmare.
I have never been one to say the end is near! I'm not now. There is no end of the earth as some have proclaimed. But it is urgent. I have been doing a lot of research lately and all the signs point to the rapture. 
So let's get to the main point. Do you believe in your  heart that Jesus died for you? And if you never have believed in Jesus,  now is the time. Look at it this way if I'm wrong about Jesus, neither of us has anything to lose. We'll all just go into eternity and nothing is there.  But if I'm right then I have everything to gain and you have everything to lose. I couldn't imagine an eternity of the worse pain imaginable, in hell forever.
But it's  real simple to go to heaven. All you have to do is pray to God out loud and ask His forgiveness. Tell Him that you believe in your heart that Jesus came to this earth as a man, died on  the cross for, rose from the grave on the third day and is now in heaven. 
That's  all it takes and welcome to the family of God. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Time is Short!

I have been doing a lot if reseach over the past two weeks. I have been looking at end time events. There are two specfic areas I will dicuss. My studies have lead me to conclude that there are some very strong indicators that could take place.  I'm not trying to cause fear in you. I want you to be prepared by first of all knowing that God loves you more than you could ever know.  That He is our only hope.
It doesn't take a economic education to see that the US can not sustain it's self much longer. I believe it very likely that we experience and economic collapse this year.  There are a lot of reasons why. One of them is because it's intentional so that it will bring in the one world government.  A real strong indicator was that the only other time in history gas prices fell at the rate we are seeing was in the crash of 2008. Once those prices fell it was only a few months later the crash happened.  The printing of money without gold and silver backing up that money. Also the continued borrowing of money. 
I really didn't understand the fuss over the four blood moons that we will experience over 2014 & 2015. I'm just going to touch base on the blood moons so if you want to learn more do some research to better understand. Four blood moons are a very rare thing. And if you track the history of those blood moons there were very significant events that took place. These last four which two oocured last year and two more come this year in April and September.  Each one falling on a Jewish feast.  God says in His Word that He uses signs in the heavens to tell us what to look for. These blood moons indicate  some great bad event and one great good event will take place.  Myself and others believe that one of these moons indicate the world economic collapse that will usher in the new one world government and the revealing of the antichrist. But don't be fearful because God wins. The other blood moon could indicate the rapture of God's people. I believe very strongly that these two events could happen.  So strongly that I feel it necessary to send out this warning. It's going to get very bad all over. I don't know when or how long in between these events take place. It's possible that we as believers will have to be part of that collapse.  But I know that without Jesus being Lord of our life, whatever happens will be a lot harder to deal with. Believers in Christ will not go through the seven years of the one world government that is coming. This is going to be the worst time in history to be on earth.
So I am asking your to be prepared. If you are a believer know God's Word,  but more than that have a personal relationship with Him. If you don't believe in Christ as your Lord and savior go to Him now and ask Him to enter your heart and let His mercy and grace work in you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I would like to update you on some changes that are taking place with our minsitry. We soon will be establishing a ministry called Living Life From The Heart.
We will be dealing with teaching on the heart. How it works, how to relate to God and how to make changes in our heart about what we believe.
Then at some point we will be offering heart classes that will be hands on training.
We are currently available to be guest speakers.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Poll Results

I would like to address some of the comments made in regards to the poll question.
These were some of the answers to that question, does God love us unconditionally?

1- No, because God took a loved one.

God does not take our loved ones. This implies that God killed them. The Bible says that God is good all the time. It also says that as people we really love our children and God loves us perfectly. So with that in mind how much more does God love our children than we do? God also says that He will never harm us. So if God did take a loved one that makes Him a murderer, a liar and a physco path.

2- No, because I have to earn His love.

This too is false. Jesus bore every sin on the cross. God forgave us of those sins and remembers them no more. The contract He made with Jesus at the cross is based on what Jesus has done, not what we do. If it were based on what we did, we would never be good enough. Jesus said that if we broke one of the 812 laws of Moses, then we would be guilty of them all. We can't even obey the top ten commandments. Under the Old Testament people had to earn righteousness through the law. But today we are righteous because of what Jesus did, not by our own efforts.

3- No, because of something I did.

The answer to number two applies here.

My hope is that those of you who answered the pole now have a better understanding of God.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Heart Basics

I have begun a series on creation. For those in the Lake county Florida area we meet every Monday night @ 7 pm located at Family Bible church in Eustis .

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dealing with Possible Loss of Loved One!

I want to discuss this because many people deal  with this issue daily. We are dealing with it now. I'm actually at the hospital to find out if a loved one will survive the day. But I know one thing for sure that God is not causing this, testing us or envolved in this situation in any negative way.
At this point there are only two things that can decide whether our family member survives. One is the amount of damage to the body from the heart attack. The second is if he wants to stay or go to be with the Father.
We are not sitting here praying for him to survive. We are praying for healing as if it has already  occurred. Listen, it's ok if our family member decides that he no longer wants to stay with us. He has suffered with this issue and more for 25 years.
I now men and when they are hooked up to tubes, bells and whistles they don't like and if they had to stay that way, they would rather go home to be with Jesus. But I know that they worry about  what the wife would do  if they weren't there and have seen them hang on and fight. If that is the case sometimes you  have to tell them that it's ok to go. We don't know what level our family member is at other than I know he does not want to be hooked up to all the equipment, becuase he has said so. We don't know if he is hanging on because of his family or not. This is because is under an induced coma and can't communicate with us. They will bring him out of  the coma today.
So if you are struggling with a similar issue I pray that God's peace enters into you heart and that His grace with give you strengthen to get through whatever comes.