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Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Beginnings

I must apologize for my absence over the past few years. I must be honest and state that I didn't really know if I wanted to continue spreading God's Word. There has been some much taking place over the past few years. I have a love for cooking and attended a Culinary School am now I work as a Chef.
However for the past year I have felt God leading me back to teaching His Word. I am now expanding my Theology degree and moving forward from an AS to a BS and hopefully an MS.
It never was or has been my intent to have a church. My goal is the more I study God's Word the closer I become with Him. This works for everyone. But I do feel that I should share what I learn. I guess you could say that I will teach through this blog and who knows where this will go. I don't have a problem with speaking engagements, which I have done.
My goal is to teach from what is called The Gospel of Peace. I hope that what I teach you brings you to a closer relationship with our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I can tell you that prophecy is telling us that His return most likely will be in our life times. But first there a time of great tribulation of such terrible events like we have never seen on earth. There will be a world wide event that will lead to a one world government. 
One can prove the pre-rapture or the post-rapture of God's people. I believe in the pre-rapture of God's people. The are many examples in the Bible where God couldn't destroy evil without first getting His people out. Let me clarify the rapture then I will clarify His people. The rapture is an event where God takes the people off earth who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus in the heart. These people love God and have a personal relationship with Him. They are taken off earth just prior to what the Bible calls the seven years of tribulation where for 3 1/2 years the world leader tries destroy the Jews, believers (Christians) and attempt to remove the mention of God on the earth. The last 3 1/2 years is God destroying the world leader (Satan) and his armies. 
If it's a post rapture then we all need to hang on, it's going to be bad. If so then the only thing that even begin to bring us peace during this time is God Himself and knowing that in the end we win anyway.
I do need to explain The Gospel of Peace here. This says that God has forgiven us of all past, present and future sin. That there is nothing for us to earn from God. He loves us with condition. That He is not mad at us, out to get us, testing us or making bad things happen in our lives. All this has been done through Jesus Christ's death burial and resurrection. There is more to it than that, but I have either already covered that in prior post, or will elaborate on the subject at a later date.

God Loves You,
