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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dealing with Possible Loss of Loved One!

I want to discuss this because many people deal  with this issue daily. We are dealing with it now. I'm actually at the hospital to find out if a loved one will survive the day. But I know one thing for sure that God is not causing this, testing us or envolved in this situation in any negative way.
At this point there are only two things that can decide whether our family member survives. One is the amount of damage to the body from the heart attack. The second is if he wants to stay or go to be with the Father.
We are not sitting here praying for him to survive. We are praying for healing as if it has already  occurred. Listen, it's ok if our family member decides that he no longer wants to stay with us. He has suffered with this issue and more for 25 years.
I now men and when they are hooked up to tubes, bells and whistles they don't like and if they had to stay that way, they would rather go home to be with Jesus. But I know that they worry about  what the wife would do  if they weren't there and have seen them hang on and fight. If that is the case sometimes you  have to tell them that it's ok to go. We don't know what level our family member is at other than I know he does not want to be hooked up to all the equipment, becuase he has said so. We don't know if he is hanging on because of his family or not. This is because is under an induced coma and can't communicate with us. They will bring him out of  the coma today.
So if you are struggling with a similar issue I pray that God's peace enters into you heart and that His grace with give you strengthen to get through whatever comes.