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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are We in the End Times?

Yes absolutely!!!! Bible prophecy has been predicting our current situation for  several thousand years. This means that no matter how bad things will become, Christ return is any day now. This is our hope. We know that for those of us who believe in our hearts that God is who He says He is and has done what He says He has done will be taken away in the rapture. But we can not just have a head knowledge, even satan believes in God. I will not set a date to when Christ will return, but it is close.
The Bible predicts a world wide economic failure. We do not know how much of that collapse we will be involved in. But we will not be part of the One World Government. That system will take place after the rapture. It breaks my heart to think that the United States will have to give up it's sovereignty.
There are two sources I like to use besides the Bible. You can go to or to learn more. I ask that not only that you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, but to prepare yourself by building up food supplies. Find a way to defend yourself just in case. If what takes place occurs there will be food shortages and so on. People will do what ever they can to take what you got, any way they can. Organize into small groups of 2 to 4 families, there is safety in numbers. keep your groups small enough so that you don't draw attention.
The most important thing of all is that you keep your hope and faith in God. He is our provider and deliverer. If you do not have a strong relationship with God and have your heart grounded in His Word, the harder it gets, the harder to keep your trust in Him. My heart hopes that I am wrong, but all indicators of the hard times a head are there and that Christ return is shortly upon us. So please don't be left behind. Does this mean that during the 7 years of the tribulation to come that a person would have no hope. Absolutely not. There will be times during the tribulation that people will have the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Lord. But it is going to be the worse time in history. World War II will look like a picnic. So why wait and see if the Bible is right? That is a chance I do not want to take. For those of you who want to accept Jesus, go to John 3:16. Read it, meditate on it and then ask Jesus into your heart.
I am in no way attempting to cause fear in you. I just want you to be prepared.